HP 5348A /011 26.5GHz Frequency counter Power Meter JPY250,000 1 stock
Input 1 Frequency Range: 500 MHz - 26.5 GHz Sensitivity 500 MHz - 12.4 GHz: -32 dBm, 12.4 GHz - 20.0 GHz: -27 dBm, 20.0 GHz - 26.5 GHz: -20 dBm Maximum Input: +7 dBm Damage Level: +25 dBm, peak Accuracy: ±1 LSD ±time base error x frequency Resolution: 1 Hz or 10 kHz, selectable Input 2 Frequency Range: 10 Hz - 525 MHz Sensitivity: 25 mV rms Impedance: 1 Mohm nominal or 50 ohm nominal Accuracy: ±1 LSD ±[(1.4 x Trigger Error/Gate Time)±Time Base Error] x frequency Resolution: 1 Hz or 10 kHz, selectable AM Tolerance: Any modulation index provided the minimum signal level is not less than the sensitivity specification. Power Meter Frequency Range: 0 MHz - 26.5 GHz, sensor dependent Power Range: -70 dBm to +20 dBm (100 pW to 100 mW) sensor dependent Dynamic Range: 50 dB in 10 dB steps Resolution: 0.01 dB in logarithmic mode, 0.1% of full scale in linear mode. Auto Filter: OPT011 HP-IB