HIOKI 7011 0-25.000V 25.000mA DC Signal Source
JPY60,000 2stock

Constant Voltage:0 to +-2.5000V, res100uV, Acc+-0.03%,
0 to 25.000V, res1mV, Acc+-0.03%,
Constant Current:2.5mA to 25.000mA,res1uA,Acc+-0.03%,
Thermoelectric power:K -176.0 to 1372.0deg,
E -220.0 to 839.0deg,
J -208.0 to 1108.0deg,
R -50 to 100deg,101 to 1769deg,
S -50 to 100deg,101 to 1769deg,
B 300 to 600deg,601 to 1820deg,
Memory Output:Max step 20,Interval time 1 to 99S,
Resistance:100ohm res+-0.2%,
Voltage,Current (Same output range),
Temparature -25.0 to 80.0deg res0.1deg,
Load Current 10uA,Terminal Voltage 10mA,
Reference junction temperature 0.1deg,
精度規格限界DCV25V,2.5V DCA OK
メーカ校正料別途 ¥22500
9184:RJ Senser,9380:Soft Case,9418-10 AC Adapter,
AA cell*6,